Frank Ankersmit

Selected Bibliography



Narrative Logic. A Semantic Analysis of the Historian's Language. Den Haag: Nijhoff, 1983.

rev : Hayden White, American Historical Review, vol. 89, no. 4, October 1984: 1037-1038; C. Behan McCullagh, History and Theory, vol. 23, no. 3, October 1984: 394-403.

Denken over geschiedenis. Een overzicht van moderne geschiedfilosofische opvattingen, Groningen : Wolters/Noord­hoff, 1983 [ 1986 ].

The Reality Effect in the Writing of History: The Dynamics of Historiographical Topology . Amsterdam : Noord-Hollandsche , 1989.

De navel van de geschiedenis. Over interpretatie, representatie en historische realiteit . Groningen : Historische Uitgeverij Groningen, 1990.

De historische ervaring . Groningen : Historische Uitge­verij Groningen, 1993.

History and Tropology. The Rise and Fall of Metaphor. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1994.

De spiegel van het verleden. Exploraties deel I: Geschiedtheorie. Kampen : Kok Agora, 1996.

De macht van representatie. Exploraties deel II: Cultuurfilosofie en esthetica. Kampen : Kok Agora, 1996.

Macht door representatie. Exploraties deel III: Poli­tieke filosofie. Kampen : Kok Agora, 1997.

Aesthetic Politics. Political Philosophy Beyond Fact and Value : Stanford : Stanford University Press , 1996 .

Historical Representation. Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2001.

Political Representation. Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2002 .

Sublime Historical Experience. Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2005.

rev.: Michael Roth, History and Theory, February 2007

Books edited and co-edited

ed. "Knowing and Telling History". History and Theory. Beiheft 1986 (ibidem : "The Dilemma of Contemporary Philosophy of History": 1-27).

with Aron Kibédi Varga i Marinus C. Doeser, Op verhaal komen. Over narrativiteit in de mens- en cultuurwetenschappen . Kampen : Kok Agora, 1990 ( ibidem: " Inleiding. De metamorfoses van het verhaal " i " Het verhaal in de filosofie " : 7-20 i 130-156).

with Gabriel Nuchelmans, Horst A. Steinmetz, Eduard P. Meijering, Huib Drion , Tekstinterpretatie . Amsterdam : Noord-Hollandsche , 1990 (ibidem: " Over aard en toetsing van geschiedkundige interpretaties": 37-48).

with Jan Johann Albinn Mooij, Knowledge and Language, vol. III: Metaphor and Knowledge . Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1993 ( ibidem: " Introduction" i "Metaphor in Political Theor y " : 155 - 203).

with Áron Kibédi Varga, Akademische beschouwingen over het postmodernisme : tien voordrachten over de betekenis van het postmodernisme op vijf gebieden van wetenschappelijk onderzoek . Amsterdam : Noord-Hollandsche , 1993 (ibidem: "Postmodernisme en geschiedbeoefening": 59-65).

with Hans Kellner , A New Philosophy of History . London : Reaktion Books, 1995 ( ibidem: "Statements, Texts and Pictures' " and "Bibliographical Essay" : 213-240 i 279-283).

with Maarten van Nierop, H. J Pott eds., Hermeneu­tiek en cultuur. Interpretatie in de kunst- en de cultuurwe­ten­schap­pen . Amsterdam : Boom, 1995 (ibidem: " Inleiding" i "De activiteit van de historicus" : 7-22 i 70-97).

with Jo Tollebeek and Wessel Krul, Romantiek en histori­sche cultuur. Groningen : Historische Uitgeverij, 1996 ( ibidem: " Bilderdijks conceptie van de historische tijd. De Monadologie als model " : 65-81).

with M. Grever, E. Jonker , R. Peters, K. Ribbens eds., Het drama Srebrenica. Geschiedtheoretische beschouwingen over het NIOD-rapport , Assen: Van Gorcum, 2003 (ibidem: "Een schuld zonder schuldigen?" Morele en politieke oordelen in het Srebrenica - rapport: 78-101).

with Henkte Velde, Trust: Cement of Democracy? Leuven : Peeters, 2004 (ibidem: "Trust and Representation").


"The Dilemma of Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Philosophy of History". History and Theory , Beiheft 25: "Knowing and Telling History. The Anglo-Saxon Debate, 1986: 1-27.

"Historical Representation ". History and Theory , vol. 27 , no 3, 1988 : 205-229 .

discussion with: Perez Zagorin, "Historiography and Postmodernism: Reconsiderations. History and Theory , vol. 29, no 3, 1990: 263-274; F. R. Ankersmit, "Reply to Professor Zagorin", ibidem: 275-296.

review essay of: Jörn Rüsen, " Grundzüge einer Historik II. Rekonstruktion der Vergangenheit ". History and Theory , vol. 27, 1988 : 81 - 94 .

review essay of: Christopher Norris " Derrida". Clio, vol . 19 , 1989­ : 63 - 73 .

"The Use of Language in the Writing of History " , in: Working with Language: A Multidisciplinary Consideration of Language Use in Work Contexts, ed. by Hywel Coleman. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1989 : 57 - 83 .

"On Historiographical Progress ". Storia della Storiografia , vol. 22 , 1992 : 103 - 107 .

rev.: Lionel Gossman Between History and Literature . Clio , vol. 21 , 1992 : 173-185 .

"Historismus, Postmoderne und Historiographie " , in: Wolfgang Küttler, Jörn Rüsen, Ernst Schulin Hrsgbs., Geschichtsdiskurs . Band I: Grundlagen und Methoden der Historiographiegeschichte . Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag , 1993: 65-84.

"Tocqueville and the Sublimity of Democracy", part 1. The Tocqueville Review , vol XIV, no 2, 1993: 173-201. " Tocqueville and the sublimity of democracy " , part 2 . The Tocqueville Review , vol. XV , no 1 , 1994 : 193 - 218 .

"Kantian Narrativism and Beyond", in: The Point of Theory, ed. by Mieke Bal and Inge E. Boer. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press , 1994 : 155-198.

"The Origins of Postmodernist Historiography " , in: Historiography Between Modernism and Postmodernism, ed. by Jerzy Topolski. Amsterdam : Rodopi, 1994 : 87 - 119 .

"Historicism: An Attempt at Synthesis". History and Theory , vol. 34, no 3, 1995 : 143 - 161 [in German: "Historismus. Versuch einer Synthese " , in: Otto Gerhard Oexle und Jörn Rüsen Hrsgb., Historismus in den Kulturwissenschaften . Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1996 : 389 - 411 ]

discussion: Georg G. Iggers, "Comments on F. R. Ankersmit's Paper, "Historicism: An Attempt at Synthesis" , ibidem, 162-167; F. R. Ankersmit, "Reply to Professor Iggers", ibidem: 168-173.

"Metaphor and Paradox in Tocqueville's Analysis of Democracy " , in: The Question of Style in Philosophy and the Arts , ed. by Caroline van Eck, James McAllister, Renie van de Vall. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995: 157-177.

"In Search of the Political Object", in: The Ancients and the Moderns , ed. by Reginald Lilly . Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996 : 276-295 .

"Die postmoderne 'Privatisierung' der Vergangenheit " , in: Der Sinn des Historischen , Herta Nagl-Docekal Hrsgb. Frank­furt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1996 : 201 - 235 .

"Can we Experience the Past? " , in: History-making. The Intellectual and Social Formation of a Discipline , ed. by Rolf Torstendahl and Irmline Veit-Brause . Stockholm: Coronet Books 1996 : 47 - 77 .

"Die drei Sinnbildungsebenen der Geschichtsschreibung " , in: Historische Sinnbildung. Problemstellungen, Zeitkonzepte, Wahrnehmungshorizonte, Darstellungsstrategien, Klaus E. Müller und Jörn Rüsen Hrsgbs. Reinbek: Rowohlt Verlag, 1997 : 98 - 118 .

"Sprache und historische Erfahrung " , in: Historische Sinnbildung , Klaus E. Müller und Jörn Rüsen Hrsgb. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, 1997: 388-408.

"Between Language and History: Rorty's Promised Land". Common Knowledge, vol. 6, 1997: 44-79.

"Rhetoric and Epistemology" , in: Rhetoric and Epistemology. Papers from a seminar at the Maison des sciences de l'homme in Paris, September 1996 , ed. by Jostein Gripsrud . Rhetoric-Knowledge-Mediation Working Papers No. 1 1997. Department of Media Studies. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1997: 9-25.

"History and/as Cultural Analysis: Gibbon and Ovid" , in: The Practice of Cultural Analysis , ed. by Mieke Bal . Stanford: Stanford Universoty Press, 1997 : 102 - 117 .

"Remembering the Holocaust: Mourning and Melancholia " , in: Reclaiming Memory. American Representations of the Holocaust , ed. by Pirijo Ahokas and Martine Chard-Hutchinson . Turku: University of Turku. School of Art Studies. Series A, no. 35, 1997 : 62 - 87 .

"Hayden White's Appeal to the Historians". History and Theory , vol. 37, no 2, May 1998 : 182-193.

"Danto on Representation, Identity and Indiscernibles". History and Theory , vol. 37, no 4, December 1998 : 44-70.

"Freud as the Last Natural Law Theorist" , in: Swiat historii, ed. by Wojciech Wrzosek. Poznan: IH UAM, 1998: 9-34.

"Wahrheit in Literatur und Geschichte. " , in: Geschichstdiskurs. Band 5: Globale Konflikte, Erinnerungsarbeit und Neuorientierungen seit 1945 , Wolfgang Küttler, Jörn Rüsen, Ernst Schulin Hrsgb. Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag , 1999 : 337 - 360 .

"Why Realism? Auerbach on Realist Representation ". Poetics Today, vol. 20 , no 1, Spring 1999: 53 - 77 .

"The Linguistic Turn, Literary Theory and Historical Theory ". Historia , vol. 45, no 2, 2000 : 271 -311 .

"Representation as the Representation of Experience ". Metaphilosophy, vol. 31, no 1/2, January 2000 : 148 - 169 .

"Comments on Bevir's The Logic of the History of Ideas ". Rethinking History , vol. 4 , no 3, December 2000 : 321 - 331

discussion on the book: Mark Bevir, The Logic of the History of Ideas . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. See: Mark Bevir, " The Logic of the History of Ideas". Rethinking History , vol. 4, no 3, December 2000: 295-300; Mark Bevir, Frank Ankersmit, "Exchange Ideas", ibidem, 351-372.

"Representation: History and Politics " , in: Dimensionen der Historik: Geschichtstheorie, Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Geschichtskultur heute: Jörn Rüsen zum 60. Geburtstag , ed. by Horst Walter Blanke, Friedrich Jaeger, and Thomas Sandkühler . Köln: Böhlau, 1998 : 27 - 41 .

"Political and Historical Representation " , in: Art and Representation. Contributions to Contempoirary Aesthetics , ed. by Ananta Ch. Sukla . Westport:: Grneewood Press, 2001 : 69 - 90 .

"Jakob Talmon and the History of the Totalitarian State " , in: Jaljilla. Kirjoituksia historian ongelmista. Osa I , ed. b y Pauli Kettunen, Auli Kultanen, Timo Soikkanen. Turku: Kirja-Aurora, 2000 : 267 -3 01 .

"The Sublime Dissociation of the Past, or: How to Become What One is no Longer ". History and Theory, vol. 40 , no 3, October 2001: 295 - 323 .

"Representational Democracy: An Aesthetic Approach to Conflict and Compromise ". Common Knowledge , vol. 8 , 2002 : 24#8211; 4 7.

"Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Literaturtheorie für die Geschichstheorie " ,in: Literatur und Geschichte. Ein Kompendium zu ihren Verhältnis von der Aufklärung bis zur Gegenwart , Daniel Fulda, Sylvia Serena Tschopp Hrsgb. Berlin /New York: de Gruyter, 2002 : 13 - 39.

"Trauma and Suffering: a Forgotten Source of Western Historical Consciousness " , in: Western Historical Thinking. An Intercultural Debate , ed. by Jörn Rüsen. New York: Berghahn Books, 2002 : 72 - 85 [in German: "Trauma und Leiden. Eine vergessene Quelle des westlichen historischen Bewusstseins " , in: Westliches Geschichtsdenken. Eine interkulturelle Debatte , Jörn Rüsen Hrsgb . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht 1999 : 127 - 146 ].

"An Appeal of the New Historicists to the Old ". History and Theory , vol. 42 , no 2, May 2003: 253-271.

"Danto, History and the Tragedy of Human Existence ". History and Theory , vol. 42 , no 3, September 2003 : 291 - 305 .

"Democracy's Inner Voice: Political Style as Unintended Consequence of Political Action," in: Media and the Restyling of Politics: Consumerism, Celebrity, Cynicisms , ed. by John Corner and Dick Pels. London: Sage, 2003: 19 - 41 .

"Invitation to Historians". Rethinking History, vol. 7 , no 3, 2003: 413-439.

"Pygmalion. Rousseau and Diderot on Theatrical Representation." Rethinking History, vol. 7, no 3, 2003: 315-341.

"Rococo as the Dissipation of Boredom," in: Compelling Visuality. The Work of Art in and out of History, ed. by Claire Farago and Robert Zwijnenberg. Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press, 2003: 132-156.

"The Contemporary Historical Mind." Journal of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads, vol. I, no 1, April 2004: 111-119.

"Interdisciplinarity, Then and Now." Journal of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads, vol. I, no 2, August 2004: 187-196.

review of Beverley Southgate, Postmodernism in History: Fear or Freedom (2003). Rethinking History, vol. 8, 2004: 350-355.

"Reply to Professor Saari". Rethinking History , vol. 9, no 1, March 2005: 23-33.

discussion with: Saari, Heikki, "On Frank Ankersmit's Post-Modernist Theory of Historical Narrativity" (ibidem): 5-21.

"Democracy and ethnicity: acculturation by politicization," in  A.W. Gerrits and D.J. Wolffram eds., Political Democracy and  Ethnic Diversity in Modern European History. Stanford. Stanford University Press, 2005: 145-157.

entries: "Contextualism"; "Figura" (Auerbach);  "Hermeneutics"; "Historicism"; "Historiography"; "Micro-storie";" Nnarrative Explanation,", in: Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, edi. by D. Herman, M. Jahn, M..L., Ryan. Abingdon 2005.

"Tocqueville and the Sublimity of Democracy: Metaphor and Paradox," in: Tocqueville et l'ésprit de la démocratie, ed. by L. Guellec. Mayenne 2005: 167-201.

"Political Monadology." Theory and Event, vol. 8, no 3, 2005: 1-58.

"'Presence' and Myth." History and Theory, vol. 45, no 3, October 2006: 328-336.

On Frank Ankersmit

Crowell, Stephen G., "Mixed Messages: the Heterogeneity of Historical Discourse" . History and Theory , vol. 37, no 2, 1998: 220-244.

Jay, Martin, "History and Experience: Dilthey, Collingwood, Scott and Ankersmit", in his: Songs of Experience . Modern American and European Variations on a Universal Theme . Berkeley : University of California Press, 2005.

Lorenz, Chris, "Can Histories Be True? Narrativism, Positivism, and the 'Metaphorical Turn'". History and Theory , vol. 37, no 3, October 1998: 309-329.

Saari, Heikki, "On Frank Ankersmit's Post-Modernist Theory of Historical Narrativity". Rethinking History , vol. 9, no 1, March 2005: 5-21.

Zammito, John H., "Ankersmit and Historical Representataion." History and Theory, vol. 44, no 2, March 2005: 155-181.
---, "Ankersmit's Postmodernist Historiography: The Hyperbole of "Opacity". History and Theory , vol. 37, no 3, October 1998: 330-346.
---, “ Reading ‘Experience.' The Debate in Intellectual History among Scott, Toews, and LaCapra,” in Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism , ed. Michael R. Hames-Garcia and Paula M. L. Moya. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2000.

This list does not include more than 70 articles published in Dutch

For corrections or additions, please contact Ewa Domanska
See also: Hayden White's bibliography

®Ewa Domanska