(translator) Carlo Antoni, From History to Sociology. The Transition in German Historical Thinking, with a forward by Benedetto Croce, translated from the Italian by Hayden White. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1959 (ibidem: Translator's "Preface," pp. IX-XII and Translator's Introduction: "On History and Historicism," pp. XV-XXVIII).
- Bruce Mazlish, History and Theory, vol. I, no 2, 1961, pp. 219-227.
(co-author) Willson Coates and J. Salwin Schapiro, The Emergence of Liberal Humanism. An Intellectual History of Western Europe, vol. I: From the Italian Renaissance to the French Revolution. New York: McGrew-Hill, 1966.
(editor) The Uses of History. Essays in Intellectual and Social History. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1968 (ibidem: "Preface," pp. 9-13 and "Romanticism, Historicism, and Realism. Toward a Period Concept for Early 19th Century Intellectual History," pp. 45-58).
- Sherman B. Barnes, The Historian: A Journal of History, vol. 31, no 1, November 1968, s. 90.
- J. F. Burnet, English Historical Review, no 85, January 1970, pp. 222-223.
- Richard M. Saunders, The American Historical Review, vol. 74, no 3, February 1969, s. 939.
- Burleigh vol. Wilkins, The Journal of Southern History, vol. 35, no 3, August 1969, pp. 397-398.
- HK, "Historicism Again and Again." Clio, vol. 1, no 1, October 1971, pp. 73-74.
(co-author with) Willson Coates, The Ordeal of Liberal Humanism: An Intellectual History of Western Europe, vol. II: Since the French Revolution. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970.
(co-editor with) Giorgio Tagliacozzo, Giambattista Vico: An International Symposium. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969 (ibidem: "What is Living and What is Dead in Croce's Criticism of Vico").
The Greco-Roman Tradition. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1973.
Metahistory. The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973.
- Whitaker I. Deininger, History: Reviews of New Books, vol. 2, no 5, March 1974.
- John Clive, Journal of Modern History, vol. 47, no 3, September 1975, pp. 542-543.
- Michael Ermarth, American Historical Review, vol. 80, no 4, October 1975, pp. 962-963.
- John L. Nelson, History and Theory, vol. 14, no 1, 1975, pp. 74-91.
- Robert C. Carroll, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, vol. 4, no 4, Summer 1976, pp. 548-550.
- Adrian Kuzminski, "A New Science?" Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 18, no 1, January 1976, pp. 129-143.
- Fredric Jameson, "Figural Relativism, or the Poetics of Historiography." Diacritics, Spring 1976, pp. 2-9.
- Georg G. Iggers, "Style in History: History as an Art and as Science" Reviews in European History, vol. 2, no 2, June 1976, pp. 171-181.
- David Carroll, "On Tropology: The Forms of History." Diacritics, Fall 1976, pp. 58-64.
- Carl A. Rubino, Modern Language Notes, vol. 91, no 5, October 1976, pp. 1131-1135.
- Andrew Ezergailis, Clio, vol. 5, no 2, Winter 1976, pp. 235-245. *Robert N. B*rard, "Approaches to Nineteenth-Century Historiography." New Scholar, vol. 5, no 2, 1978, pp. 369-375.
- Stanley Pierson, Comparative Literature, vol. 30, no 2, Spring 1978, pp. 178-181.
- Otto Gerhard Oexle, "Sehnsucht nach Klio. Hayden Whites Metahistory - und wie man der darüber hinwegkommt." Rechtshistorisches Journal, vol. 11, 1992. pp. 1-18.
- Gerrit Walther, "Fernes Kampfgetümmel. Zur angeblichen AktualitSt von Hayden Whites Metahistory." Rechtshistorisches Journal, vol. 11, 1992. pp. 19-40.
Tropics of Discourse. Essays in Cultural Criticism. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.
- Barbara Gates, Clio, vol. 6, no 3, Spring 1977, pp. 351-354.
- Dominick LaCapra, Modern Language Notes, vol. 93, no 5, December 1978, pp. 1037-1043.
- Richard King, The Virginia Quartarly Review, vol. 55, no 3, Summer 1979, pp. 568-572.
- Robert C. Carroll, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, vol. 8, no 1 and 2, Fall/Winter 1979/80, pp. 162-164.
- Giles Gunn, American Literature, vol. 52, no 4, January 1981, pp. 649-653.
- William M. Johnston, New Vico Studies, vol. 1, 1983, s. 86-90.
- Alan Durant, Prose Studies, vol. 9, no 3, December 1986, pp. 112-113.
(co-editor with) Margaret Brose, Representing Kenneth Burke. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982 [ibidem: preface by White, pp. VII-IX.]
The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987.
- BmcH [Behan McCullagh (?)],Poetics Today, vol. 8, no 2, 1987, pp. 468-69.
- Peter Burke, "Rethinking the Historian's Craft." Times Literary Supplement, 6-12 November 1987, s. 1231.
- Suresh Raval, "Recent Books on Narrative Theory: An Essay-Review." Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 33, no 3, Autumn 1987, pp. 559-570.
- Ralph Flores, Modern Language Notes, no 102, December 1987, pp. 1191-1196.
- Robert Lee Scott, Quarterly Journal of Speech, vol. 74, February 1988, pp. 114-116.
- Rene Wellek, Partisan Review, vol. 55, Spring 1988, pp. 334-337.
- Jeremy Tambling, Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 49, June 1988, pp. 192-194.
- David S. Gross, World Literature Today, Summer 1988, s. 516.
- Anthony Pagden, "Rethinking the Linguistic Turn: Current Anxieties in Intellectual History." Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 49, no 3, July/September 1988, pp. 519-529.
- Dominick LaCapra, American Historical Review, vol. 93, October 1988, pp. 1007-1008.
- William Dray, History and Theory, vol. 27, no 3, 1988, pp. 282-287.
- David Carrier, British Journal of Aesthetics, vol. 28, Winter 1988, pp. 84-85.
- James M. Mellard, Style, vol. 22, Winter 1988, pp. 657-661.
- Giles Gunn, Yale Review, vol. 77, Winter 1988, pp. 207-236.
- D. R. Woolf, Queen's Qarterly, vol. 95, no 4, Winter 1988, pp. 908-910.
- Pamela McCallum, University of Toronto Quarterly, vol. 58, Summer 1989, pp. 538-539.
- Terry Engebretsen, Southern Humanities Review, vol. 23, no 4, Fall 1989, pp. 377-380.
- Thomas Brook, Novel. A Forum on Fiction, vol. 22, no 2, Winter 1989, pp. 247-249.
- John E. Toews, History of the Human Sciences , vol. 4, no 1, February 1991, pp. 154-159.
- Ann Rigney, "Narrativity and Historical Representation." Poetics Today, vol. 12, no 3, Fall 1991, pp. 591-605.
Figural Realism. Studies in the Mimesis Effect. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
- Charles Barbour, “White's Mythology.” Canadian Literature, no 173, Summer 2002:
- Philippe Carrard, Clio, vol. 29, no 2, Winter 2000: 229-232.
- Noel Carrol, "Tropology and Narration." History and Theory, vol. 39, no 3, 2000: 396-404.
- Jon Erickson, Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 63, no 3, September 2002: 405-409
- Cameron Golden,
Symploke, vol. 8, no. 1-2, 2000: 227-228.
- Keith Jenkins, Literature & History, vol. 9, no 1, Spring 2000: 114-115.
- Jeffrey J. Folks, College Literature, vol. 27, no 3, Fall 2000: 171-173.
- Tamás Kisantal, Helikon, no 3, 2002: 369-370.
- Allan Megill,
The Journal of Modern History , vol. 72, 2000: 777–778.
- Ulrich Plass, Comparative Literature Studies, vol. 38, no 2, 2001: 173-179.
- J. Tambling,
The Modern Language Review , vol. 96, no 2, April 2001: 452-454.
Johann W. N. Tempelhoff, "Exploring the Semblance of Realism in Historical Thought." H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences, August 1999.
The Fiction of Narrative (Essays on History, Literature, and Theory, 1957-2007), ed. by Robert Doran. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
The Practical Past. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2015.
Metahistory: The 40th Anniversary Edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015.
"Collingwood and Toynbee: Transitions in English Historical Thought." English Miscellany, vol. 8, 1956, pp. 147-178.
"Religion, Culture and Western Civilization in Christopher Dawson's Idea of History." English Miscellany, vol. 9, 1958, pp. 247-287.
"Pontius of Cluny, the Curia Romana and the End of Gregorianism Rome." Church History, vol. 27, no 3, September 1958, pp. 195-219.
"The Gregorian Ideal and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux." Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. XXI, no 3, July-September, 1960, pp. 321-348.
"The Abiding Relevance of Croce's Idea of History." The Journal of Modern History, vol. XXXV, no 2, June 1963, pp. 109-124.
"The Burden of History." History and Theory, vol. 5, no 2, 1966, pp. 111-134.
entries: "Gabineau, Comte Joseph Arthur De," "Feuerbach, Ludwig Anderas," "Klages, Ludwig," "Strauss, David Friedrich," "Windelband, Wilhelm," in: The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Paul Edwards. New York, 1967, pp. 190-192, 342-343, 343-344, 25-26, 320-322.
"Hegel: Historicism as Tragic Realism." Colloquium, vol. 5, no 2, 1966, pp. 10-19.
"Vico, Giovanni Battista," in: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by David L. Sills, vol. 16. New York: The Macmillan Company and The Free Press, 1968, pp. 313-316.
"The Task of Intellectual History." The Monist, vol. 53, no 4, October 1969, pp. 606-630.
"Literary History: The Point of It All." New Literary History, vol. 2, no 1, Autumn 1970, pp. 173-185.
"Croce and Becker: A Note on the Evidence of Influence." History and Theory, vol. 10, no 2, 1971, pp. 222-227.
"The Culture of Criticism," in: Liberations. New Essays on the Humanities Revolution, edited by Ihab Hassan. Middletown, Con.: Wesleyan University Press, 1971, pp. 55-69.
[Hayden White, Allen W. Wood, Theodore M. Brown, David I. Grossvogel and Robert Matthews]
"Interview with Ernst Gombrich",
April 16, 1971, Cornell University.
Diacritics, Winter, Vol. 1 (2), 1971, pp. 47-51.
"The Structure of Historical Narrative." Clio, vol. 1, no 3, 1972, pp. 5-20.
"The Irrational and the Problem of Historical Knowledge," in: Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, vol. 2: Irrationalism in the Eighteenth Century, edited by Harold E. Pagliaro. Cleveland and London: The Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1972, pp. 303-321.
"The Forms of Wildness: Archeology of an Idea," in: The Wild Man Within. An Image in Western Thought from the Renaissance to Romanticism, edited by Edward Dudley and Maximillian E. Novak. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1972, pp. 3-38.
"What is a Historical System?" in: Biology, History and Natural Philosophy, edited by Allen D. Breck and Wolfgang Yourgrau. New York and London: Plenum Press, 1972, pp. 233-242.
"Interpretation in History." New Literary History, vol. 4, no 2, Winter 1972, pp. 281-314.
"The Structure of Historical Narrative." Clio, vol. 1, no 3, June 1972, pp. 5-20.
"Foucault Decoded: Notes from Underground." History and Theory, vol. 12, no 1, 1973, pp. 23-54.
"The Politics of Contemporary Philosophy of History." Clio, vol. 3, no 1, October 1973, pp. 35-54. [ibidem: William H. Dray, "The Politics of Contemporary Philosophy of History. A Reply to Hayden White," pp. 55-76.]
"The Historical Text as Literary Artifact." Clio, vol. 3, no 3, June 1974, pp. 277-303.
"Structuralism and Popular Culture." Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 7, no 4, Spring 1974, pp. 759-775.
"The Problem of Change in Literary History." New Literary History, vol. 7, no 1, Autumn 1975, pp. 97-111.
"Historicism, History, and the Figurative Imagination." History and Theory, Beiheft 14: Essays on Historicism, vol. 14, no 4, 1975, pp. 48-67.
"The Noble Savage Theme as Fetish," in: First Images of America: The Impact of the New World and the Old, edited by Fredi Chiappelli. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976, pp. 121-135.
"The Tropics of History: The Deep Structure of the New Science," in: Giambattista Vico's Science of Humanity, edited by Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Donald Philip Verene. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976, pp. 65-85.
"Introductory Comments," in: Lionel Gossman, Augustin Thierry and Liberal Historiography. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1986, pp.
"The Absurdist Moment in Contemporary Literary Theory." Contemporary Literature, vol. 17, no 3, Summer 1976, pp. 378-403 (published also in: Directions for Criticism. Structuralism and its Alternatives, edited by Murray Krieger and L. S. Dembo. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1977).
"The Fictions of Factual Representation," in: The Literature of Fact, edited by Angus Fletcher. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976, pp. 21-44.
"Rhetoric and History," in: Theories of History. Papers read at the Clark Library Seminar, March 6, 1976 by Hayden White and Frank E. Manuel. Los Angeles: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1978, pp. 7-25.
"Michel Foucault," in: Structuralism and Since. From Levi-Strauss to Derrida, edited, with an Introduction by John Sturrock. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979, pp. 81-115.
"The Problem of Style in Realistic Representation: Marx and Flaubert," in: The Concept of Style, edited by Berel Lang. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1979, pp. 213-229.
"The Discourse of History." Humanities in Society, vol. 2, no 1, Winter 1979, pp. 1-15. [discoussion: John Carlos Rowe, "Structuralism or Post-Structuralism: The Problem of "The Discourse of History," ibidem, pp. 17-23; Jan D. Dekema, "Hermeneutics and the Discourse of History: A Response to Hayden White," ibidem, pp. 25-30.]
"Literature and Social Action: Reflections on the Reflection Theory of Literary Art." New Literary History, vol. 11, no 2, Winter 1980, pp. 363-380.
"The Value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality." Critical Inquiry, vol. 7, no 1, 1980, pp. 5-27. (discoussion: Louis O. Mink, "Everyman His or Her Own Annalist"; Marilyn Robinson Waldman, "'The Otherwise Unnoteworthy Year 711': A Reply to Hayden White"; Hayden White's reply: "The Narrativization of Real Events," in: Critical Inquiry, vol. 7, no 4, Summer 1981. Cf. also: Peter de Bolla, "Disfiguring History." Diacritics, Winter 1986, pp. 49-58.) "Conventional Conflicts." New Literary History, vol. 13, no 1, Autumn 1981, pp. 145-160 (discussion on an article by Hilary Putnam, "Convention: A Theme in Philosophy," ibidem, pp. 1-14).
"The Politics of Historical Interpretation: Discipline and De-Sublimation." Critical Inquiry, vol. 9, no 1, September 1982, pp. 113-138.
"Getting Out of History." Diacritics, vol. 12, Fall 1982, pp. 2-13.
"Method and Ideology in Intellectual History: The Case of Henry Adams," in: Modern European Intellectual History. Reappraisals and New Perspectives, edited by Dominick LaCapra and Steven L. Kaplan. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1982, pp. 280-310.
"The Limits of Relativism in the Arts," in: Relativism in the Arts, edited by Betty Jean Craige. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1983, pp: 45-74..
"Vico and the Radical Wing of Structuralist/Poststructuralism Thought Today." New Vico Studies, vol. 1, 1983, pp. 63-68.
"The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory." History and Theory, vol. 23, no 1, 1984, pp. 1-33.
"The Italian Difference and the Politics of Culture." Graduate Faculty Philosophical Journal, vol. 10, no 1, Spring 1984, pp. 117-122.
"The Interpretation of Texts." Berkshire Review, vol. 19, 1984, pp. 7-23.
"The Rule of Narrativity: Symbolic Discourse and the Experience of Time in Ricoeur's Thought." University of Ottawa Quarterly vol. 55, no 4, 1985, pp. 287-299.
"Historical Pluralism." Critical Inquiry, vol. 12, no 3, Spring 1986, pp. 480-493.
"The XIXth Century as Chronotype." Nineteenth-Century Context, vol. 11, no 2, 1987, pp. 119-130.
"Historiography and Historiophoty." The American Historical Review, vol. 95, no 5, December 1988, pp. 1193-1199.
"The Rhetoric of Interpretation." Poetics Today, vol. 9, no 2, 1988, pp. 253-274.
"New Historicism: A Comment," in: The New Historicism, edited by H. Aram Vesser. New York and London: Routledge, 1989, pp. 293-302.
"Romantic Historiography," entry in: A New History of French Literature, edited by Denis Hollier. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989, pp. 1823-1827.
"Introduction." Stanford Literature Review, no 6, 1989. pp: 5-14.
" 'Figuring the Nature of the Times Deceased': Literary Theory and Historical Writing," in: The Future of Literary Theory, edited by Ralph Cohen. New York and London: Routledge, 1989, pp. 19-43.
"Introduction," in: Thomas Mann, Lotte in Weimar. The Beloved Returns, transl. by H. vol. Lowe-Porter. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1990, pp. V-XI.
"Ideology and Counterideology in the Anatomy," in: Visionary Poetics: Essays on Northrop Frye's Criticism, edited by Robert D. Denham and Thomas Willard. New York: Peter Lang, 1991, 101-111.
"Form, Reference, and Ideology in Musical Discourse," in: Music and Text: Critical Inquiries, edited by Steven Paul Scher, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 288-319.
"Historical Emplotment and the Problem of Truth," in: Probing the Limits of Representation. Nazism and the 'Final Solution'. edited by Saul Friedlander. Cambridge, Mass; London: Harvard University Press, 1992, pp. 37-53 (ibidem a discoussion: Carlo Ginzburg, "Just One Witness" oraz Amos Funkenstein, "History, Counterhistory, Narrative").
"Writing in the Middle Voice." Stanford Literature Review, vol. 9, no 2, Fall 1992, pp. 179-187.
"Historiography as Narration," in: Telling Facts: History and Narration in Psychoanalysis, edited by Morris and Joseph H. Smith. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992, pp. 284-299 [Psychiatry and the humanities, vol. 13, 1992: 284-300.]
"Frye's Place in Contemporary Cultural Studies," in: The Legacy of Northrop Frye edited by Alvin Lee and Robert Denham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994, pp. 28-39.
"Foreword: Ranciere's Revisionism," in: Jacques Ranciere, The Names of History. On the Poetics of Knowledge. Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press, 1994, pp. VII-XIX.
"Geschichte erklären. Formalistische und kontextualistische Strategien." Neue Rundschau. 105. Jahrgang 1994. Heft 1, pp. 41-55.
"Age-Old Problem." Times Higher Education Supplement, no 1151, 11/25/94, p. 17.
"A Rejoinder. A Response to Professor Chartier's Four Questions." Storia della Storiografia, vol. 27, 1995, pp. 63-70 (Cf.: Roger Chartier, "Quatre Questions Hayden White." Storia della Storiografia, vol. 24, 1993, pp. 133-142).
"Response to Arthur Marwick." Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 30, no 2, April 1995, pp. 233-246. (Cf.: Arthur Marwick, "Two Approaches to Historical Study: The Metaphysical (Including 'Postmodernism') and the Historical." Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 30, no 1, January 1995, pp. 5-35; further discoussion: Christopher Lloyd, "For Realism and Against the Inadequacies of Common Sense: A Response to Arthur Marwick; Beverley Southgate, "History and Metahistory: Marwick versus White"; Wulf Kansteiner, "Searching for an Audience: The Historical Profession in the Media Age - A Comment on Arthur Marwick and Hayden White"; Geoffrey Roberts, "Narrative History as a Way of Life," in: Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 31, no 1, January 1996.)
"Bodies and Their Plots," in: Choreographing History. edited by Susan Leigh Foster. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1995, pp. 229-234.
"The Modernist Event," in: The Persistence of History. Cinema, Television, and the Modern Event, edited by Vivian Sobchack. New York and London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 17-38.
"Commentary" to the thematic issue of History of the Human Science ("Identity, Memory and History"), vol. 9, no 4, November 1996, pp. 123-138.
"Auerbach's Literary History: Figural Causation and Modernist Historicism," in: Literary History and the Challenge of Philology. edited by Seth Lerer. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996, pp. 123-143.
"Storytelling: Historical and Ideological," in: Centuries' Ends, Narrative Means, edited by Robert Newman. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996, pp. 58-78.
"The Suppression of Rhetoric in the Nineteenth Century," in: The Rhetoric Canon, edited by Brenda Deen Schildgen. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1997, pp. 21-32.
"The Problem with Modern Patriotism." 2B (Two Be) , no 13, 1998, pp. 119-130.
"The End of Narrative Historiography," in: Swiat historii [The World of History]. Essays presented to Jerzy Topolski in his 70th birthday, edited by Wojciech Wrzosek. Poznañ: IH UAM, 1998, pp. 393-409.
"Literature against Fiction." La Torre (Universidad de Puerto Rico), vol. 2 , no 4-5, 1997, pp. 194-207.
"Die Verwestlichung der Weltgeschichte," in: Westliches Geschichtsdenken. Eine interkulturelle Debatte, Jörn Rüsen (Hg.) . Gsttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1999, pp. 178-190.
"Afterword," in: Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture, edited by Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999, pp. 315-324.
"Postmodernism, Textualism, and History", in: Literatur - Forschung Heute, edited by Eckart Goebel and Wolfgang Klein. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1999, pp. 173-184.
"Postmodernism and Textual Anxieties" in: The Postmodern Challenge: Perspectives East and West, edited by Nina Witoszek and Bo Strath. London: Sage Publications, 1999, pp. 27-45.
"The Discourse of Europe and the Search for European Identity," in: Europe as the Other and Europe as Other, edited by Bo Strath. Bruxeles, etc: Peter Lang, 2000, pp.67-86.
"Catastrophe, Communal Memory, and Mythic Discourse: The Uses of Myth in the Reconstruction of Society," in Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community. Historical Patterns in Europe and Beyond, edited by Bo Strth. Brussels: P.I.E./Peter Lang, 2000, pp. 49-74.
"Kosmos, Chaos und Reihenfolge in der historiologischen Darstellung" [Cosmos, Chaos, and Sequence in Historiological Representation]” in: Evelyn Schulz und Wolfgang Sonne, eds., Kontinüitat und Wandel : Geschichtsbilder in verschiedenen Fächern und Kultüren. Zurich: Zürcher Hochschulforum, 1999.
"Die Verwestlichung der Weltgeschichte," in: Westliches Geschichtsdenken.
Eine interkulturelle Debatte, Jörn Rüsen (Hg.). Gottingen: Vandenhoeck und
Ruprecht, 1999, pp. 178-190. “History as Fullfilment”
Hayden White, "An Old Question Raised Again: Is Historiography Art or Science? (Response to Iggers)."Rethinking History, vol. 4, no 3, December 2000, pp. 391-406 (discussion with: Georg G. Iggers, “Historiography between Scholarship and Poetry: Reflections on Hayden White's Approach to Historiography.” Rethinking History, vol. 4, no 3, December 2000, pp. 373–390.
"Posthumanism and the Liberation of Humankind." Design Book Review, vol. 41/42, Winter/Spring 2000, pp. 10-13.
"Figura and Historical Subalternation," in: Kontaktzone Amerika. Literarische Verkehrsformen kultureller Übersetzung, edited by Utz Riese, Doris Dziwas. Heidelberg : Universitatsverlag, 2000.
"Forward," to: Reinhart Koselleck, Practice of Conceptual History, transl. by Todd Presner and Kerstin Behnke. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002.
"Reply to Professor Ankersmit."
Groniek. no. 161, 2003, pp. 465-466.
"Commentary: Good and Their Kind." New Literary History, vol. 34, no. 2, 2003, pp. 367-376.
"Anomalies of Genre: The Utility of Theory and History for the Study of Literary Genres." New Literary History, vol. 34, no. 3, 2004, pp. 597-615.
“The Metaphysics of Western Historiography.” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 1, no 1, 2004, pp. 1-16 (see also: Hayden White, "The Metaphysics of (Western) Historiography," Call , no. 2, 2004, pp. 148-155).
"Figural Realism in Witness Literature." Parallax, vol. 10, no 1, January-March 2004, pp. 113-124.
"Die Zukunft der Utopie in der Geschichte und die Zukunft der Geschichte in der Utopie," in Die Unruhe der Kultur: Potentiale des Utopischen, Herausgegebn von Joern Ruesen, Michael Fehr, und Annelie Ramsbrock. Goettingen: Velbrueck Wissenschaft, 2004, pp. 39-56.
"Historical Fiction, Fictional History, and Historical Reality." Rethinking History, vol. 9, no 2-3, 2005, pp. 147-157.
“The Public Relevance of Historical Studies: A Reply to Dirk Moses.” History and Theory, vol. 44, October 2005, pp. 333-338. [Cf.: A. Dirk Moses, “Hayden White, Traumatic Nationalism, and the Public Role of History,” ibidem, pp. 311-332 and his, „The Public Relevance of Historical Studies: A Rejoinder to Hayden White,” ibidem, pp. 339-347.]
"Historical Discourse and Literary Writing," in: Tropes for the Past: Hayden White and the History/Literature Debate, ed. by Kuisma Korhonen. 96 Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2006, pp. 25-33. "They Have Betrayed Their Educational Purpose." The Chronicle of Higher Education,
June 23, 2006,
vol. 52, no. 42, p. B10.
"Foreword", in: Geoffrey Hartman, Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today. 2nd edition.
New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 2007, pp. xi-xviii.
“Against Historical Realism. A Reading of War and Peace.” New Left Review, vol. 46, July-August 2007: 89-110.
"Response: The Dark Side of Art History." Art Bulletin, vol. LXXXIX, no 1, March 2007: 21-26. "Afterword", in: Manifestos for History, ed. by Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan and Alun Munslow. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2007 (forthcoming)
"The Future of Utopia in History." Historein. A Review of the Past and Other Stories, vol. 7, 2007: 5-19.
„The Historical Event.”Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, vol. 19, no 2, 2008: 9-34.
To Coin a Phrase. “Cineaste”, vol. 33, nr 3, Summer 2008: 83.
Commentary: ‘With no particular place to go’: Literary History in the Age of the Global Picture. New Literary History, vol. 39, nr 3, Summer 2008: 727-745.
Reflections on ‘Gendre’ in the Discourses of History. “New Literary History”, vol. 40 nr 4, Fall 2009: 867-877.
Contextualism and Historical Understanding. „Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies”, vol. 7, nr 1, June 2010: 1-19.
The Practical Past. “Historein”, vol. 10, 2010: 10-19.
History and Art Today/Historia i sztuka dzisiaj, przeł. Jan Burzyński, w: Historia w sztuce/History in Art, pod. red. Anny Marii Potockiej. Kraków: Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Krakowie, 2011: 177-183.
Modern Politics and the Historical Imaginary, w: The Politics of Imagination, ed. by Chiara Bottici i Benoît Challand. Abington: Birkbeck Law Press, 2011: 162-177.
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