PoznanPoznan UniversityPoznan Interdisciplinary SeminarsArchive

Paulla Ebron - Associate Professor in the Anthropology Department at Stanford University, on Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 at 5.3o pm at the Dapartment of History, ul. św. Marcin 78, 61-809 Poznań, Jozef Burszta's Hall (sala Burszty), will give a seminar: "The Dialogue among Anthropologists and Historians on Philosophies of Histories.”

Organization: Ewa Domanska, email: ewa.domanska@amu.edu.pl and
Michal Buchowski, email: mbuch@amu.edu.pl

Master seminar organized and sponsored by program "Master" (The Foundation for Polish Science). Project "Rescue History" (Ewa Domanska).

The Dialogue among Anthropologists and Historians
on Philosophies of Histories


Always historize! An imperative urged by cultural critic Fredric Jameson. But what does this mean when considering the multiple temporalities of humans and non-humans? How too might we consider the co-production of histories that draw upon official and commonplace understandings of historical time? A region off the southeastern coast of the United States forms a significant role in U.S. American and black American history and serves as the site that inspires these concerns. This discussion will explore the dialogue among anthropologists and historians in an effort to arrive at what Jameson proposes as a necessity, i.e., “a genuine philosophy of history."  In contrast to my provocateur, my interest is in emergent and inclusive possibilities rather than a reliance on a pre-given schema.

Paulla Ebron

Paulla Ebron is Associate Professor in the Anthropology Department at Stanford University. She is the author of Performing Africa (Princeton, 2002). She is currently completing a research project on region making entitled: “Making Tropical Africa in the Sea Islands.”

Paulla A. Ebron, Slavery and Transnational Memory: The Making of New Publics, in: Transnational Memory. Circulation, Articulation, Scales, ed. by Chiara De Cesari and Ann Rigney. Walter de Gruyter, 2014: 147-168.